Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Stream of Consciousness-esqe Post


These last few days I have been caught up in a whirl wind of administrative duties. Wait, or is it world wind? I have never been quite sure what people are actually saying when they offer that statement, however, it's not really surprising. I happen to have both the vision and hearing of an 80+ year old and mishear things pretty often. I spent the majority of my young life thinking that people were shouting 'freaking egg', when actually, it was 'freaking expletive'. That's right, I am censoring my self for the gaggle of preteen readers who I am sure avidly read this blog.

Right, back to the subject at hand. I am now registered both administratively and academically at Rhodes University and have officially submitted my thesis proposal to the Higher Degrees Committee for acceptance as a Rhodes endorsed research thesis. In addition, I have signed up to take HAM (History and Appreciation of Music) through the music department at Rhodes! There is a jazz component which I am really excited about, as well as a section of study dedicated to South African protest music!

I also feel pretty settled into my digs (student housing) and really like my flatmates! There are five of us in total, 3 Americans and 2 South Africans, and everyone is incredibly friendly and tidy. Yes, you read that correctly, tidy. A trait that I hope to acquire. I figure 24 years of living in near total squalor is enough :)

In addition, once a week we have Taco Thursday, a night where the housemates invite random people we have met that week and have them over for dinner which we prepare. It was started quite a few years ago in this house, and last year I attended often because Rosa, a former Rotary Scholar, would kindly invite me each week. Which means I am going to learn how to cook! No more soup from a can accompanied by grilled cheese sandwichs as my go-to impressive meal!

That's about it on the South African front. Pretty simple day-to-day activities and adventures (I did have a ketchup bottle explode all over my face at a restaurant the other day, making me look like a bloodied victim in a grindhouse film, only to leave me sticky and slightly stained red, however, not a surprising occurence considering my outstanding awkwardness). And while I miss home, I am also incredibly happy to be back. I must say, I feel rather lucky to be able to be so comfortable and content in two totally different places.

Final thought: I watched Whip It! the other day and I kind of want to join roller derby. Now all I need to do is learn how to skate and get some kickin' science experiment googles to prevent my glasses from breaking...



At February 6, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Blogger Meghan said...

Brittany! I can't believe I missed 3 blog posts... now I am all caught up. Your apartment and roommates sound wonderful, and Taco Thursday is brilliant. I think everyone in NYC should adopt the tradition (it'd be a much friendlier place if that were so). Sounds like all is going swimmingly, so I hope you continue to have more of the same!!!

At February 14, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Blogger flowerweaver said...

The music class sounds fun, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Tacos, a step up from grilled cheese! When will you reveal the topic of your thesis to the blogosphere?


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