Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to Africa, We Got You A Snake

This morning, while walking to my first day of classes, I nearly stepped on a snake. As you can imagine, that doesn't happen to me very often, so when my flat mate Carolyne calmly told me to watch out for the snake less than a foot away from me, I responded in typical Brittany fashion and released a scream so shrill I am almost positive that you all heard me in the States. I then ran/waddled away as quickly as possible, flailing and squeaking the entire time, looking comparable to a large wingless bird trying to take flight. And thus began my academic career.

After meeting my classmates (there are 22 people in the Media Studies MA program) and attending this mornings orientation with the head of the Journalism department, I believe that I will really enjoy my courses. Each day's coursework is rather intensive and lengthy, but the classes are discussion and seminar based, and they are only half day, so the workload is manageable. I am also excited because the students in my program are from all over Africa (Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Cameroon, and South Africa), which will lead to a variety of perspectives and should make for wonderful discussions (and friendships)!

Aside from the excitement of class, I also purchased a bicycle from a local shop which I am super excited about! I hope that riding my bike around campus will be a bit more bearable than walking, because currently, the temperature here is around 137 degrees. True, I might be slightly exaggerating, but be forewarned - there is a good chance that I will melt. On the plus side, the sun has been shining brightly and beautifully, and since I am presently so pale that I am indistinguishable from a ghost, I am hoping that the summer sun changes that. Tan Watch 2009 has commenced.

I also had a chance to snap some shots of campus, and as soon as I clean my room, I will make sure to share pictures of my residence as well!

The Clocktower at Rhodes University

The African Media Matrix, where I will spend a large amount of time for the next two years!

The view from the balcony at my residence hall.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

She's Alive!


I am currently sitting in the Rhodes University Library Computer Lab writing you all to let you know that I am safe, sound, and settled in!

After my departure from Houston on Monday, I flew to New York, then to Dakar, Senegal, then to Johannesburg, and finally, about 28 hours later, I landed in Port Elizabeth, South Africa! The flight was brilliant; there were absolutely no hiccups, and the in-flight entertainment was sweet. I slept the majority of the way, without the aid of numerous Tylenol PM, and was able to contort my 6 foot tall body into a comfortable position within the 3 feet you are allotted on an air plane. The entire flight experience was really lovely and I am incredibly grateful!

Side note: I have a tendency to talk to anyone and everyone, as you all know, and so of course, I made a new friend on the plane. He was a young man from Zambia who worked in the mines and was quite possibly one of the nicest people ever. In fact, since my arrival in South Africa, everyone I have met has been amazingly kind. Rock on.

After I landed in Port Elizabeth I was greeted by my Rotary Host Counsellor, Lydia, who is a complete doll. She and her husband Mike retrieved me from the airport and then we all went to stay the night at Mike's sister's home in Port Elizabeth. Finally, yesterday morning, Lydia, Mike, and their daughter Jo and I all made the trek from PE to Grahamstown. Lydia spent the day helping me register at the university, check into my residence, and run errands to get the essentials (like peanut butter and pillows).

So all in all, I am incredibly happy to finally be here in Grahamstown, and feel so lucky to have received such a warm welcome. Today I am going to have lunch with the Grahamstown Rotarians, and then, I guess I will force myself to start hanging up my clothes.

Bad news bears update: I am nearly out of circus peanuts, and much to my dismay, I have left my favourite pair of tweezers back in the States. For those of you who have had the arguable pleasure of living with me, you know this is a tragic turn of events. Alas, I will find a way to go on!

Also, notice how the spell check corrected my spelling of favourite. I feel very sophisticated right now.

More updates to come soon, but for now, know that all is well! And mom, I did those silly leg exercises during the flight, so rest assured that I do not have deep vein thrombosis.

Love to you all!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

South Africa, Here I Come

Hello friends, family, Rotarians, and random visitors from the world wide web!

I am Brittany. I enjoy chocolate, napping, daschunds, and laughing. However, more than anything else, more than free food and cheesy 80s pop music, I enjoy service and traveling. Thanks to Rotary International, and specifically to the Greensboro Summit Rotary, I have been appointed a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar and have been offered the opportunity to travel to South Africa and study at Rhodes University. During my two years at Rhodes I will be earning my masters degree in Media Studies and hope to work with various service organizations that focus on women's rights and HIV/AIDS education. I am incredibly and overwhelmingly grateful that the Rotarians have given me this amazing opportunity. There aren't enough thank you’s in this world to express how much this scholarship means to me.

Tomorrow morning, I will board a plane, take a short flight (which is approximately 462 hours in length), and arrive in Grahamstown, South Africa. I will then begin studying, serving, napping, and seeking out free food in South Africa. I promise to update this page as frequently as possible to fill you all in on my life in South Africa, but for now, I simply wanted to say to all of my family and friends: I will miss you.

Side note: There is no need to worry about me. I have packed an entire duffle bag full of Kashi granola bars and circus peanuts (those candies that I am pretty sure are made of plastic, but taste like absolute heaven). My packing priorities are obviously in order.

Much love,