Sunday, January 31, 2010

This broad is abroad again!

Hello there!

Well, I have arrived safe and sound back in marvelous Grahamstown! I flew into Johannesburg on Wednesday, January 27 where I met my friend JC for dinner, and then on Thursday I made my way to the Port Elizabeth airport where two fellow Rhodents (that's what Rhodes students are called... how lovely is that?) picked me up and carted me back to my digs in Grahamstown! Since my arrival I have had a wonderful time reconnecting with friends, moving into and decorating my room (complete with several photos of Texas landscapes, pictures of family and friends, and of course, an incredibly classy poster of Robert Pattinson), and spending time with my classmates and thesis supervisor! In addition, I also spent yesterday helping a friend collecting horse manure from a nearby stable in order to enhance her compost pile, and I swear, it was almost like I never left Texas :)

So now that I am back, what are my plans for the year you ask? I am going to work like a madwoman on my thesis, travel around Africa (and Swtizerland and Turkey on a rather random trip to see Alinka!), and stay involved in community service work. I also found out that postgraduates are allowed to take an undergraduate course for free, and y'all know that I will do just about anything if it's free, so tomorrow I am investigating the possibility of enrolling in an African music course! Prepare yourself for endless drum circles when I return to the States!

Things here in the Southern hemisphere are pretty fabulous and I hope that you all are doing wonderfully as well!

Much love,

Monday, January 25, 2010

Where does the time go?

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry I have been out of touch! I arrived back in the States on December 4, 2009, and since then I have been having a blast with my friends and family! After almost 6 weeks in the States, tomorrow morning I am headed back to South Africa! I couldn't be more excited to be returning to Rhodes University and Grahamstown! Next year I will be working on my thesis, staying involved in the Grahamstown community and traveling like a mad woman! I already have quite a few trips planned and once I arrive in South Africa I will be sure to update y'all on all of my plans!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and very happy New Year!

All of my love, and I promise to do my best to keep this blog updated!